Sure…’content creation’ is a phrase that those of us in the digital marketing industry hear all the time, but what’s all the excitement about? Is regular content creation as important as everyone seems to think it is, or is it just another time consuming activity that’s not truly worth the effort? These are questions that we also asked ourselves before we started to put forth the effort of creating our own original content on a regular basis.
We learned that the single biggest influencing factor on search engine ranking is the creation of quality content relevant to the audience. We realized that our regular content creation began to build a base and established that we were generating something of value for those who gave us their attention.
How We Started Our Content Creation Process:
- Keyword Identification: We started by identifying the keywords that we wanted Lion’s Share to rank for, which were primarily our services with some additional local keywords (such as Austin, Texas). We put our long list of keywords, and long tail local keywords into a spreadsheet and built out from there.
- Content Calendar: We created a content calendar where we planned at least one post per week on a topic that revolved around one (or several) of those keywords.
- Let the Writing Begin: We began writing regular content on our site, in accordance to that content calendar’s schedule. We search engine optimized every single piece of content for the particular keyword we sought to rank for with each post.
- Share, Share, Share: We made sure to push all of this our site’s new content on to our social media accounts. We also asked the people we also wrote about and mentioned in those posts to share and link back to our site to further boost our rankings.
What We Gained From Content Creation:
Our targeted keyword rankings began to slowly, but very surely increase week-by-week. We tracked our content creation and SEO efforts with MOZ, which proved that search engines were becoming more fond of us with our fresh content.
With more people on the site, we began getting more sales leads, which resulted in the ultimate goal: more business and more revenue for Lion’s Share Digital.
Why Content Creation Can Also Help You:
If you give your site’s visitors the information and experience they are looking for, you will find yourself attracting them in droves. However, beware of filling your website with copied content and be wary of obscuring the information that your audience is seeking; this will only result in short lived successes.
The most exciting element of content creation is that the articles you tailor to suit your audience will attract the right web traffic organically. Blog posts, articles, info-graphics, presentations, white papers, answering questions relevant to your fan base are tools used to increase traffic to your site.
Let us Help You!
We can generate quality content, catered specifically to your audience. That generates momentum driving traffic to your site. Get a free quote here.
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