Earlier this month one of our favorite clients, Summer Meltdown Festival, experienced an awesome turnout at their annual event. We've spent the past nine months working very closely with the fine folks behind the fest, so we couldn't be more proud and happy to witness all of their hard work pay off. We…
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Running a business is possibly one of the hardest things a person can do in their life. It's the culmination of every skill and discipline all wrapped into a journey of ups and downs and all arounds. We've learned a lot in the last few years running Lion's Share and…
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Music website branding may not be the first thing that comes to mind for DJs, producers and festival organizers working on their craft, but the world-wide-web has created immense opportunity for us in the music industry by making infinite information available at the world’s fingertips. On the other hand, the…
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Sure...'content creation' is a phrase that those of us in the digital marketing industry hear all the time, but what's all the excitement about? Is regular content creation as important as everyone seems to think it is, or is it just another time consuming activity that's not truly worth the…
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Times Have Changed, Time to Change With Them As you've probably already noticed, the music industry has changed greatly in light of the digital age. While not impossible, it is challenging to obtain financial sustainability in a market with endless options, and many artists just simply giving their music away…
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