01. Client

Central Texas Lawyers is a legal firm that offers a range of services rooted in the heart of Central Texas. They provide legal solutions using innovative and forward-thinking techniques, while never sacrificing quality, professionalism, or ethical standards.

02. Challenge

Central Texas Lawyers needed a website that showcased their legal expertise and helped potential clients understand their various legal services. They are committed to providing the best possible legal counsel to their clients while maintaining a positive reputation within their community.


03. Solution

Lion’s Share Digital created an engaging website where users can easily learn more about Central Texas Lawyers and their legal services. The final site showcases professional visuals and descriptions of their legal services, alongside their involvement in the Central Texas community. The website is user-focused with strong call-to-actions, making it easy for potential clients to contact Central Texas Lawyers and receive the legal assistance they need.









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A layout that catches the eye on all devices

All of our designs are based on a responsive framework, which allows your site to adapt according to the device used to access it. This framework will ensure your site always displays just the way you intended it to.

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