About the Client
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. Hill Country Intergroup offers a professional meeting place and a 24 hour support hotline. They operate to provide opportunities for office volunteers who answer the hotline and assist AA groups with organizing their meetings.

What We Did
Hill Country Intergroup’s existing website was extremely out of date and
had been hacked several times in the last year. They were in dire need of a
new brand, color palette and website that allowed members to easily find
meetings in their area.
Logo, Branding and Color Palette
Web Design & Development
Lion’s Share created a website that allowed members to quickly and easily
find members around their location. The website also has a section for
printable schedules, news, newsletter archives, upcoming events,
conferences and workshops.
Hosting and Training
Lion’s Share set HCIA up with a WP Engine account which gave them peace of mind because of their speed, redundancy, nightly backups and security procedures.
We also took the time to train the HCIA team to ensure they could make updates to their website on their own.
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