Crafting compelling content that captures readers’ attention is a somewhat intimidating endeavor. With so much free material plastered around the web, how do you go about making your content stand out from the rest and hopefully turn one-time, blasé web site visitors into loyal followers? Rather than wasting time developing tons of material no one wants to read, take a few cues from Lions Share—the Austin SEO company dedicated to providing web design solutions that engage visitors from the Austin area and around the world.
Below are a few critical tips for creating the interesting, memorable content your website and business need to succeed:
Generating Ideas
The first step in crafting compelling content is to think of something…well, compelling to write about! There are plenty of options for tapping into your creative side and getting the wheels spinning. Try reading blogs, books, and other publications related to your industry, which can stimulate new ideas and perspectives. Working with a talented team also helps considerably, as it allows for productive brainstorming sessions. Interviewing other professionals to gain unique insights into important, industry-specific issues is another great way of developing ideas. Whatever means you employ during the creative process, remember to write down your thoughts as you go… Wouldn’t want to miss a gem!
Creating Headlines
Creative, captivating content is all for naught if you don’t have headlines that pique user interest. Think of this statistic: 80 percent of people will read your headline, but only 20 percent will read your content. A headline is therefore just as essential as the words below it, so remember a few important elements: a) avoid wordiness, b) make headlines niche or industry relevant (not generic), and c) create powerful sub-headlines that support your headline and further entice readers. Using “How-to” or numbered headlines are also industry-standard titling methods. Examples of creative, attention-grabbing headlines or sub-headers include:
● 5 Grammatical Errors That Make You Look Dumb
● When Humans Were Prey: How Fear of Being Eaten Continues to Define Who We Are
● How to Make Vegan Chocolate Cupcakes Taste as Awesome As Chocolate Cupcakes
Targeting Specific Demographics & Their Issues
Your content has to target at least one specific type of buyer, whether it be a new mom, college kid, biking fanatic, or a single dad. Targeting various categories of buyers is also perfectly fine, as long as you’re writing about topics these folks actually care about. Make certain you’re using the product or service terms your target audience uses and are otherwise speaking their language.
Also, keep the “why buy from me” concept in mind when creating content—think of yourself as a “problem-solver” for your target demographic. In other words, identify a “pain” or problem this target market has, and decide how your content address that problem. Make that point extremely clear in the headline as well.
Staying Accurate
Yet another key to producing great content is making sure everything is accurate. Fact-checking goes a long way, as correct information establishes your website as a reputable source for certain topics. You don’t want to come across as another hair-brained blogger spouting who-knows-what. Source your information, verify all statistics, and build reader trust. If you do this, readers will return. If you don’t, they’ll probably leave half-way through reading and never come back.
Making It Thought-Provoking
Thought-provoking substance that tells a story, asks a question, or makes an important promise is another ingredient in the successful content pie. Write material that gets readers to think about the subject, ask questions, and start conversations in the comments section. Let them know why they should care about what they’re reading, why you’re the right source to address the issue and understand their problems, and include a personal, relevant story whenever possible. Creating fun, narrative stories to convey specific concepts is great way to draw in readers.
These are just a few ways to create better content. Do your research to discover even more great methods of creating engaging material to build your online audience and become known as the experts in your field.
Of course, we can help as well! Learn more about content marketing services available through Lions Share—your top Austin web design company.